Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Update on Meanie Usher Woman.

***** update to the update!!! I've received ANOTHER letter from the big dog in charge who is handling this issue!  This poor volunteer, she just doesn't know what's coming, does she? *****

I must give props to the company that meanie usher woman works for because they did what they could to make this right.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, visit the original post here. 

So, while I was still fired up, I typed up a letter and sent it to the parent company that owns the theater we were at when the incident happened. I went to their website and found the Operations Director, smacked a stamp on it and into the Postal System the letter went. 

After I sent it, I figured I might hear back, but I surely wasn't banking on it. Imagine my surprise to receive a phone call at about 6:30 p.m. the day the letter was received ... from the Operations Director herself!

She was SO nice, so incredibly apologetic, asking if there was anything she could do to make the situation right.  I wanted to make a point:  I'm not doing this for freebies, I want to see rude volunteers removed or retrained, so I didn't ask for any kind of reimbursement or whatnot. We laughed a lot and she apologized again before saying she would take this letter to her training manager, who had classes coming up very soon. 

It changed my entire attitude towards the company. She is a gem - I hope they work to keep her. I wish I could have found a manager that night because I believe that would have changed my attitude, too. And probably have gotten the rude lady removed from standing behind us, but it wasn't meant to be. And that's ok, too, because hopefully it will draw attention to an area that needs attention. :) 

YAY! I'm very much happier now that this is over and I've said my piece. *sigh*

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