Thursday, December 15, 2011

Misconceptions of Strength

I am very baffled by people who simply cannot apologize. That is completely amazing to me. It's like somewhere along the line they have been taught one of two things:

1-Never admit you are wrong; it makes you look weak.

2-Never apologize; it gives someone else the power.

I know a girl who marches through life, barking out orders, acting like she is an expert in all things. Unfortunately, she is not.  She doesn't ask questions, she demands answers. And she never, ever apologizes for the mistakes she makes. It is so frustrating.

I knew another girl who was to be my mentor in one of my college jobs.  She informed me I should never ask permission - it gives someone else the power. I'll never forget that... but I don't really believe that.

I BELIEVE, a heartfelt, sincere apology is a enormous sign of strength.  It's much easier to deny there is a problem than it is to admit there is a problem and acknowledge your role in the problem. Then to take it a step further and ask for forgiveness for your part. Wow. That's tough stuff and very few people have this amount of strength.

And while I am frustrated dealing with this person in my life, I can't help but wonder what I didn't own up to myself?

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