Thursday, May 16, 2013

Every Day In May: Struggles

Today's prompt is about something you are struggling with and what you are doing to overcome it.

My family is struggling with my dad having bladder cancer. He completed his treatments and we waited. Yesterday, he went for his checkup and we found he'll be going back through treatments. We'll know how many after his biopsy.

So what am I doing about it? I am praying. I aM searching for verses of comfort and I encourage you to share a few! I'm drawing closer to God, talking to Him, and learning about faith in tough times. I'm trying to wrap my head around the fact I may not like the path God has given my Pop, but He is much greater than me.

So that is what we are facing round her. Feel free to send up a prayer on his behalf, the more the merrier! Thanks!

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