Saturday, September 15, 2012

Friday's Letters -11, on Saturday...

I missed out on Friday Letter's on its appropriate day. Sorry!

Dear nature, Thank you for making some beautiful days/weather.  I love the bright blue skies and puffy white clouds that we've had lately. It's making me extremely happy and ready for some FALL weather!

Dear Pressed Clovers,  I'm excited as I wrap up another book this week! In addition to working 50+ hours this week! Woop woop! It's ready to be sent to its new home.

Dear UW Peeps, Oh my gosh, you sent me flowers for my birthday! I was completely caught off guard and over the moon with happiness at these flowers! So they ARE BEAUTIFUL! THANK YOU!

Dear Lord, thank you for making me the type of person who can stop and smell the roses.  I know I haven't spent the time with You that I should have this week, but I can still see how You are working in my life and I'm very thankful.  #shereadstruth

Dear work, I know we are on the cusp of MAJOR WORK HOURS, but it's ok because I get to enjoy these foggy drives into work, which makes me smile.  It's almost like being in a fairyland... almost.

Dear readers - I appreciate you and your feedback, please drop me a line and say hello! :)  I'm off to get back to work now... and celebrate my birthday for the next two days! Woop woop!



  1. Great (Saturday's) letters! The weather HAS been amazing recently, hasn't it? I've had to write letters on Saturday before, too. Sometimes... life just gets in the way. :)

    PS That rose is gorgeous!!!

    1. Thanks for stopping by my Friday's letters... I'm obviously still running behind, ha ha!

      So our weather went south...pouring rain for two days!

  2. The weather was great here today too! I cruised with the windows down!

  3. yay for some amazing fall weather!

    New follower!

    Have a great week! Drop by nichollvincent.blogspot and say hi!

    1. Thanks for visiting my blog! And becoming a follower! :) I enjoy your blog, contests on Genisis!


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