Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Blessings 2012.

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Two years ago, I made "appreciation" my word for the year.  It was one of the best things I've done in my life, to stop and find things I should show appreciation - or be thankful - for on a daily basis.  Although I was pretty slack about writing in my Thankful Journal on a daily basis, I've gotten much better and have learned so much in the past year.

Mom and Pop
I am so blessed.  Blessed beyond measure, beyond comprehension, beyond what I deserve. I have a wonderful family that I'm so close to on a daily basis.  My people are plain and honest people and I love them so much.  God is important to each one, which is also a beautiful thing.  We were raised with love, ethics and morals, which have stayed with us throughout our lives.  My parents are an excellent example of how family should be, with love and discipline to develop their children into strong adults.

I have an amazing church family that have really shown support during recent difficult times.  Their love is like a warm shawl wrapped around your shoulders, settling your heart. And friends who have been by my side - some for many years and some for a few.  Some are like family at this point.  There are just times when you need to lean on someone and I'm so grateful for them being there at any given time.

Thanksgiving this year... it's important. I'm thankful like I've never been before. Come back tomorrow and learn more about why. :)

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