Monday, March 25, 2013

Muffin Monday - GUEST

Today, you get a treat! Muffin is taking a break from being photographed and CHLOE has stepped in to help us out.  Chloe is my sister's cat, a large white cat with an itty bitty squeaky voice who just wants to be snuggled and petted constantly. 

To be a hefty kitty, she's definitely agile and can jump crazy heights.  Chasing moths is one of her favorite things.  And avoiding the dog in the house.

 I have no idea what this look is all about, but it makes me laugh.  I must have taken a dozen photos just to get these two. Just wanted to be petted and just refused to be still until I did show her some love and affection.

And this would be my sweet nieces!  I know I'm a bit late on the St. Patrick's Day celebration, but I love this picture from this past weekend.  Adorable? Why yes, I do think so.

I'm heading out of work a few minutes early.  We are selling all kinds of Macy stuff - we need some space and some money to buy her MORE STUFF! :)  Woop woop! Wish us luck!


  1. your neices are adorable! Chloe is too, and that is coming from a non-cat person so she should be flattered, lol. :)

  2. Adorable people and animals are adorable.


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