Saturday, October 11, 2014

Saturday's Letters?

I actually started writing my Fridays letters on Friday, but it didn't get finished. So enjoy Saturday's letters. Not the first time and I feel sure not the last.

Check out the cool cat hammering away on my new bookcase! 

Dear Sweet Niece #1:  you were a huge help last weekend with the shelves. Two sets! You hammered with little fear (haha) and figured out how it all went together better than some men I know. Good job! 

I also enjoyed your volleyball game this week!! I wish my schedule wasn't so hectic - I'd love to practice with you. Keep your chin up, babe! 

Dear book of Ruth: you are a short book in the Bible, but you made me long for a man like Boaz. A guy that respects me, wants to help me walk closer with God, a protector and who loves me for who I am. I'm trying to wait and not make any more mistakes on this front. 

Dear Paulene, I'm looking forward to diving into Ezra with you!  

Dear Lord, I'm doing my best to stay calm about a few health issues. Part of me wants to move into a hospital to have every ache and pain monitored because I'm a scaredy cat. But You got this, You are in control. Please help me breathe and relax! 

Dear Private Prayer, I so hope The Lord answers your prayers-our prayers- with a resounding YES! 

Dear Pop, I hope I'm feeling better tomorrow so I can make the apple cake for you :) EDITOR'S NOTE: this turned out horrible. I don't know what I did wrong, but it was BAD!

Dear Mrs Campbell, my kindergarten teacher, you knocked my socks off when you came in to vote and recognized me immediately. Kindergarten was 35 years ago!! You have kept up with me and still showed such pride that I was one of your students. You are amazing - you are still touching lives long after your retirement. :) 

And this wraps up one more week!  I'm heading to bed and hope I feel better tomorrow. Sweet dreams everyone! 


  1. Hope you get to feeling better. Love your nieces kitty cat ears!

  2. I, too, hope you're feeling better soon. Did you give your niece the headband to wear while helping with the shelves? Too cute. And that's so sweet that your kindergarten teacher recognized you.


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