Wednesday, June 6, 2012


So my word for this year was, "BREATHE."

Fat chance.

I realized how incredibly horrible I've done at applying my word this year! It's been a roller coaster of a year. And it's almost half over! That makes me so incredibly sad!!!

So I think I need to take some time to smell the roses - or at least take a few pictures of them along the way.  *sigh* I'll see what I can do this weekend to give you something photo-worthy.

Until then, enjoy this photo of Ellie and Donna, where Aunt Donna is explaining the proper use for a softball bat to little miss Ellie. :)  Looking at this still makes me smile. Especially knowing that's Donna's socks pulled up as thigh-highs on Ellie, with her big toe poking out at the bottom. Hilarious!


  1. Yes, that is a great photo! Do lots of "breathing" this weekend. I have not embraced my word this year either. I did much better last year with "joy" then I am doing with "create" - unless you count "creating havoc and mess"!

  2. It's odd, really, why are the new words being so difficult?! But I have to disagree with you - you have your business up and running! :) That's create at the umpteenth level!


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