Monday, December 12, 2011

Muffin Monday - GUEST!

When I saw this picture on my friend's Facebook page, I immediately stole it and turned it into my wallpaper on my computer. This picture is just awesome, I love it! And I had to share it with you, my friends.  Add a little Sparkle to your holidays! (Sparkle is her name!)

I hope you are having a wonderful week, your Monday has kicked off with a lovely bang, and you are NOT stressing over the holidays, but are looking forward to all the wonderful memories. :) 


  1. Sparkles is so honored.....she thanks you as she blushes....:)

  2. Guess who anonymous is...?? :)

  3. Hmmm... I wonder who it could be?! :)
    A Sparkles mom, by chance?? HAHAHA


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