Saturday, June 1, 2024

Adventures in Cary, NC - Chinese Lanterns Nov 2023

If you've followed along, you know I’m crazy behind and trying to catch up on the highlights. In November 2023, Mom, Katie, Macy, Dylan and I went to Cary, NC for the Chinese Lantern Festival. These sculptures are breathtakingly beautiful. We had the best time together as a family and my family considers Dylan one of us. 

This beautiful boat was damaged the next weekend when horrible storms came through the area. We were the last weekend to see the lanterns in Cary, as the damage was so bad they closed the event down early to try and salvage what they could.

Macy and mom both enjoyed swinging on these installations. They were the only two light enough to swing on them! haha

This cannon would fire smoke rings out right into your face. You see the two that just HAD to do it! 

These three - heaven help us if they aren't trouble together. Especially the oldest and youngest together!

I'm in love with the Asian culture and beauty so this was right up my alley! The talent and skill that went into creating these sculptures was amazing. I think I liked the first ones I saw in Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens the best, but these were so very beautiful and more interactive for the kids. We saw a very cool dance performance, enjoyed some tasty treats and had our fortunes told. :) 

We also found a great restaurant that we ended up at twice because we ALL enjoyed it so much! And that's a tall order to find something that suites each of us! I just wish I could remember the name... if I think of it I'll come back and add it. 

I'd like to go back to Cary simply because it POURED and we didn't get to explore much outside of the lantern festival. It seems like such a neat area with much more to offer, if we just get the chance to explore it! 

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