I'm not sure what Katie used but she made dye that pretty much dyed the egg the second it went into the liquid. Great for impatient Macy. We ended up with a ton of dye cups and a ton of eggs!!
Family photo!! Missing sweet niece #1, but she's a teen now and doesn't come home here much. ;) I try to remember that but it's been forever since I've seen her!
Some of the cousins came to Mom's for Easter egg hunts. These two should be brother and sister they are so much alike - Macy and River.
My aunt and uncle (mom's sister) and their grand babies!! Eddie has Rylan and Emmett, Ann is holding Perrin, Leilla Gates and River are standing by her. :)
While we are talking about family, my aunt Brenda came up from Georgia for an extended weekend and the sisters got together at aunt Kathy's house! (And one sister-in-law!) Back row, Brenda, mom, Dot, Ann. Front row: Bonnie Jean, Kathy and Faye. Love this pic!
Macy's first school program was last night! She had five songs memorized with motions. She did so well!
Aunt Faye came, too! So she and mom made the sisters' trip and then came to Macy's program. Busy day!
At least that catches me up on pics! All of them are of Macy, but that's what I see the most of these days. Looking forward to getting the work life calmed down, so I can spend some time with my nephews. Gosh they are growing so fast, learning so much. What blessings!
Ok I gotta get my booty out the door and off to work!
I don't know how I missed this! It looks and sounds like "sprang" is/was a good one. It's been beautiful lately, but I'm waiting on those 90's again.