Sunday, August 11, 2024

More Catching Up: California May 2023

So let's add another trip to the blog - California! I'd never been to the west coast - I guess the farthest west I'd been was Iowa... well Id' been to Texas so guess that would be it. Eh, whatever - Dylan and I went to California! And the coolest part is we went to his hometown of San Diego!

He is always searching for cheap flights and found a great fare from Charleston, SC to LAX. Which meant we had to drive to Charleston in the middle of the night to catch this flight. I don't know why he puts up with me, I slept half the way to Charleston and he did all the driving. (Sorry Dylan, I'm a crappy travel buddy!) Neither of us like to fly, so that was fun. Almost missed our flight out of Charleston (only to fly back to Charlotte and then to LAX - why is it less expensive than flying out of Charlotte direct?! argh!). 

Got to LAX and did a bit of touring; saw the Hollywood sign, and a few other places. Realized the AC didn't work in the truck we'd rented, so back to the rental agency we go. Swapped that sucker out because I don't do no AC. Interestingly, we found a Southerner working and we found some folks that didn't speak English, so yay for Dylan for being bilingual! Hopped into our new rental and away we go to San Diego. And I slept the whole way there. (sorry again!!)

San Diego is incredibly beautiful! I loved it! The perfect weather, so easy and walkable. We hit his favorite Mexican restaurant, he got his favorite clam chowder, we found an outdoor food festival and enjoy Columbia empanadas! (so good!) and did some typical sight seeing. Drove to La Jolla and saw the uppity neighborhoods. Toured his old stompin' grounds of Chula Vista and his old schools, house, friends' homes, places that meant something to him. It was great! If housing wasn't totally out of sight I'd love to live there. The weather is incredible. (as I'm writing this, we just endured Hurricane Debby and the multiple inches of rain that caused flooding all over the upstate.) 

Because we happened to visit during Memorial Day, the military cemetary was very beautiful. We happened to park beside an elderly widow visiting her husband's grave. There were several events where veterans were wearing special tags and decor designating their military service and they were walking around the beach with us. It was so humbling to be with these people who - like the widow, lost her husband, or those that served. I'm sure some lost their friends in battle. It just touched me. 

After our whirlwind visit to San Diego, we headed back to Charleston and spend the next day just bumming around the east coast! Visiting Dylan's favorite seafood restaurant there, too! How he eats like he does and stays skinny is beyond me, but more power to him. 

I love these trips with him. Travelling with Dylan is so incredibly easy. We rarely get irritated at each other and are totally cool with doing whatever the other wants to do, so it's always a great trip when we are together. :) Glad to have this one added to my travel memories!

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Thinking of Dad

I'm sure I've written most of this before. I'm not going to go back and read what I've written before. I've just had Dad on my mind. He was such an amazing man. As kids, he was working all the time, overtime, making sure he provided all he could for our family. They had three kids, spaced out over 9 years, and mom worked some but stayed home with us a lot when we were small. At times he worked swing shifts, which were hard on the whole family. He added blackout curtains to my parents bedroom and a window AC unit and it was FREEZING in there. He worked in a nuclear plant and there were certain sounds that were just "not good." Unfortunately, my hair dryer made a similar sound, so we didn't use that when he was sleeping. We also didn't have to clean house on Saturday mornings when he was sleeping, so cartoons for the win! 

When he was home, he was a kid at heart. Loved coyote and road runner, building Legos with us, and giving us hugs. I would ride on his shoulders as a little kid, on the backs of cows, in the wagon or wheelbarrow. He farmed so we tagged along. Driving out through the pasture in his truck was a treat. He would plow down tall grass and small bushes, driving through the pasture looking for cows. But to me, it was magical.  He'd call the cows and they'd come running, knowing food was being tossed out for them. 

Shopping with Dad was always an experience. He'd know exactly what he wanted to get Mom for Christmas, birthdays and Mother's Day. If we suggested something she'd mention, it went on the list, too. And then we'd hop in the truck and head to town. Talk about focused. Don't even think about deviating from the plan - the plan was all we were there to do. And eat. We both liked to eat. :) But he would put such thought into everything he got her. One year, it was a George Forman grill (remember when those were all the rage). My sister and I bought a very trashy hot red teddy from Wal-Mart and folded it up inside the grill, and wrapped it. I don't know which one was more shocked on Christmas morning when she opened it up, pulled out the grill and held up the teddy. HAHAHA She got us back when she said that was for later. UGH. But it was HILARIOUS to prank them both in one shot. HA.

In 2008, when the recession hit, my workplace reduce our hours/pay by 20%. So we had one extra day off a week. I chose Wednesdays because he was off on Wednesdays. I'd tag along with him doing whatever he needed to do that day. We planted beets. Fed the cows. Went to the feed and seed store. Picked up parts for the truck. Fixed the truck in the parking lot! And we ate. We'd hit this dive of a place with country cooking and eat up. The waitresses all knew him and got to know me. I made sure I went back to let them know he'd passed away. It was hard going back without him. But I would give back those days for anything. I knew they were a treasure, to have a day a week, just he and I, together as adults. Such a special time. 

I wish I'd written down more memories. I know I have a horrible memory and I know I'm missing big blocks of time that were just special moments. Or times we'd laughed so hard his eyes watered. He never expected to live as long as he did. He was preparing us for him to be gone when we were children. He'd lost his parents when they were in their 50s and early 60s. So he figured that would be his fate, too. I'm glad we did get more time with him than that, though. All of us were grown and his grandbabies were all old enough to remember him. Man, he had such a huge personality. I just miss that so much, asking him questions, hearing his family stories, depending on him for so many things. He was a huge blessing in my life, God gave me to him and I'm so thankful for it. 

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