Friday, March 17, 2017

Actually, I am Irish!

Thanks to I do know that I am part Irish! So happy Saint Patty's day from an official Irish girl. I also found out I am very boring and very white. I honestly expected something more than European, Irish and English. Oh well, I am what I am. :)

I am also a fierce dinosaur! Sweet niece went to a birthday party were dinosaurs was the theme. She wore this mask for half the day- loved it! So we became dinosaurs together. <3

I'm studying a devotion with an online group on Facebook. It's called Broken and Redeemed a study on the God who redeems our stories. I ordered the journal off Amazon and I have so enjoyed this devotion!
Why I like having the group online is because it opens up others understandings of the scripture that we read. I learn so much from what other people got out of the Scriptures, it opens my eyes to complete new lessons.  I recommend it - find it on Amazon.

I rarely show photos of just myself, but here I am with one of the custom orders that has come in recently for Pressed Clovers. This year I asked that God would allow me to make things that people wanted. All the sudden my bib and burp cloth business took off like lightning. With it came some growing pains of trying to keep up three stores, two brick-and-mortar, one online, so at this point the online has been taken down. But I so love having people want what I make! To know that it is helpful to mommies and their babies because it's a good quality product. I've had some pains - I've had to learn some lessons and make adjustments, but it's so worth it and I'm learning so much as I go.

Then mom started making hair bows. Big beautiful fluffy poofy cute hair bows for all the little princesses out there. Beautiful work - it is amazing what she can do. So now that has also become a part of Pressed Clovers! And I couldn't be happier to have my mom working with me. 

We are headed to a tractor show in two weeks to set up and sell. Should be interesting! Hopefully, it will go really well and the brand will be more recognizable for future purchases! I donated two sets for a church fundraising event in this same community last week and hope that will be remembered. 

I know it's odd for someone with no children to get this excited over bibs and burp cloths. My prayer was very sincere, I wanted to make things that people wanted. I think I've done that, not on my own but thanks to the Lord. It truly seems like God was waiting for me to just ask for success and I finally did.  I sincerely hope that I'm on the right path.

OK since I've already held this in drafts for a few days, I think it's time to go ahead and publish. Hope you're having a wonderful week and a happy happy Tuesday.   :) 

Thursday, March 2, 2017


Ugh. I accidentally fell asleep last night about 8:30 pm, woke up about 1:09 am and haven't been back to sleep since. That sucks. Finally, I've decided to just be done with the attempts (now that it's about 4:30 am) and be awake. Maybe I'll get moving and go have breakfast somewhere before work! Yum!

So I left off here with frustrations about my niece. Hopefully, this situation will never happen to another student. But today, I'd like to share good news! More of God's blessings - Macy had her annual cardiologist appointment and everything looks great!! What a huge relief! Why does the 4-year-old have annual cardiologist appointments?  The condition she has - Marfans - typically impacts the heart. Feel free to google it, it's interesting to read, I guess. President Lincoln is a famous Marfans person.  

Anyway, her good news is a huge relief. My dad, who we also suspect has Marfans, also received a good cardiologist check up. He has all the heart symptoms - leaky heart valve and aneurysm in the aorta - but so far they have held off on surgery and continue to do so. Hooray! 

Mom couldn't shake a sinus infection - some serious steroids finally helped out. I'm not talking about that first round you get- this was scary amounts - but it worked! And after allergy tests, she doesn't seem to be allergic to environmental things - another great blessing! Woo Hoo! 

Mom and my brother have allergies to food. Mom: peaches, carrots, almonds, shellfish. Clay: tomatoes, black pepper, beef, oranges, I can't remember what all. And he has a tin of other allergies, too. He has sneezefests of 20+ sneezes at one time. Craziness. 

Macy and ree family went to the circus to see the last year of performances! So glad they were able to do this. She lived it!! 

 Katie, Macy, and I headed to Columbia to celebrate a very special girl's first birthda (with a quick stop at Krispie Kreme). Paulene and I became friends through United Way. 

And look at her precious girl!!! What a great celebration! 

The older sweet niece made it home. Our weather has been crazy warm so both girls rode bikes at Macy's school parking lot. Happy to have her home! 

We had no idea Macy was getting sick, but when you see her coloring in this picture, it makes sense. Her curls are so stinkin' cute! 

This is for my mom!! She's making bows now, doing such a good job!!! But she talks about the HUGE bows some mamas put in their daughters' heads. I had to explain it's kinda like big hair... The bigger the bow, the closer to heaven, right? HAHAHAHAHAH! 

Ok let's see if I can get one more hour of rest. :) sweet dreams! 
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